Monday, March 21, 2011

Stop the Hysteria

There is absolutely no reason to rush out and buy potassium iodide pills. We are not in danger of radiation poisoning from the Japanese nuclear plant meltdown. You actually get more radiation from a brick than we are getting from Japan.

Relax and do a little research before spreading horrible rumors that whip everyone into a frenzy. A photographer in the San Diego area bought a Geiger counter and is posting the daily readings. So far, everything is normal. At the current reading, it would take 40 years to get the amount of radiation from one CT scan.

If anyone outside of Japan should be worried, it is the people who live in Denver. They are exposed to double the radiation of those in southern California every year. The Denver elevation is what exposes people to more solar radiation than at lower elevations.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Future Employees

I spoke on a panel last night called "Building the Community's Work Force for the Future." I was asked to speak about the types of employees my company looks for and the problems we have with finding them. I discussed both the hard skills and soft skills we search for in a candidate. Hard skills being the experience and/or training that they need and soft skills being things like attendance, work ethic, etc.

I was on the panel with three other employers as well as a representative of our local community college. I was not that surprised that the biggest issues facing the other three employers were the soft skills. They just need to find people that will show up every day and work hard. Of course, they were looking for warehouse and production line people so they don't require many other skills. What I was surprised by was that one of the other employers mentioned that math skills were important for their employees. This company is a beer distributor, so I think a lot of young people would be surprised to learn that you have to have good math skills to stack cases of beer.

My company, on the other hand, does not have as many issues with attendance. We do have problems with work ethic. I think the most important assets for our employees are speed and accuracy. We need engineer, mechanics, electricians and machine operators who take pride in their work and have been doing the job long enough that they are fast. The lack of accuracy really bogs us down and costs us money with rework at all levels.

I don't have the answers to how we create a work force that has pride and a work ethic. That comes from your upbringing and early school years. Teachers today are so overwhelmed that it is not fair to blame them for this problem. It still must go back to home life. We have too many families with parents having to work more than one job to raise their family. This is even more problematic when you look at single parent households. It is almost impossible to raise a family today on one average income.


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I am an Apple Fanboy!

I find myself following today's Apple announcment live on Engadget. I think this makes me a fanboy. I woke up today excited about the iPad 2 announcement, but I am afraid it will be anticlimactic. I hope I am wrong.


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