Fear of Socialized Healthcare
I am hearing a lot of misinformed people out there talking about their fears related to Obama's health plan. They are saying that the government will just let the elderly die. Some have even said that the government will come to every elderly person's door and ask them how they want to die. This is ridiculous! First off, the elderly are already on government health care, Medicare. Second of all, what makes them think that there are enough government employees to accomplish going door to door.
Hey wait a minute...maybe the people they hire to do the next census can pull double duty and also ask everyone over the age of say 55 how they want to die. We could even take it a step further and have them commit the murder right there on the spot. Now that is a great idea. We don't really need all of these baby boomers taking our retirement money and taxing the health care system. Let's just clean up the system now.
My last paragraph is about as ridiculous as the misinformation that the republican party is spreading about the President's plan. They are telling lies and playing on the fears of uninformed people. This just is not funny. They have gotten so ridiculous that I just have a hard time taking any of them serious. The republican party has become a freak show. And you know, I do not even support the President's health care plan and do not consider myself either a republican or democrat.