Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday O! Wretched Mortals!

Today is the one year birthday of this blog. My first post was short and sweet. It explained why I chose the name of the blog and a few alternatives I considered. Since that time, I think this blog has changed dramatically. It was originally just an exercise while reading the book "How to Think Like Leonardo DaVinci." Now it it a blog about my thoughts on many topics.

This has been a good exercise for me. I am not usually a person who likes to share my emotions with people. I consider myself almost devoid of emotion on most occassions. This blog has allowed me to explore my inner feelings and put them out for someone else to view, or read. I have grown a lot this year and look forward to more growth in the future.

I have struggled many times over this year to keep writing regularly. Early on my goal was to write something five days a week. There were some weeks when I wrote more than five times and there were other when I struggled to write two or three times. I am going through a very rough patch now where I am lucky if I write something once or twice per week. I don't like the fact that this has happened, but I don't know how to get out of this funk yet.

I really wanted to have a nice post for the blogs one year birthday. I thought I could come up with something insightful and deep. Obviously that did not happen. Maybe I will write something great next year on the second birthday.


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