Loss is always difficult to deal with and it always seems like it is a shock to everyone, even when it is expected. We all deal with it differently because we all have different relationships with the person we lost and we all express our emotions differently. Some of us are silent while we deal with our emotions on the inside while others have no problem letting their emotions show to the world.
We all know that death is inevitable. We cannot deny that, but we are never really prepared for it to come. It seems like we always have regrets. We wish we could have told the person that we loved them or we wish we would have made up with them. There always seems to be something that bugs us when that time comes. I guess the answer would be to live your life with no regrets, but that is easier said than done.
Is it better to lose a loved one suddenly or to lose them over time as they are dealing with an illness that we know will eventually take their life? I don't have the answer to and I think it is an individual preference anyway. No matter how you answer that question, I don't think you will ever be prepared for the day anyway.
It is really interesting to hear people justify the loss of a loved one. I guess that is just something that is hard-wired into humans. You often hear some say, "they lived a full life." Or you may hear someone say, "they have gone to a better place" or that "they are no longer suffering." This is just our way of trying to move on in our own lives. We want to believe there is a purpose to everything that happens, so we use these phrases to make us feel that way.
My family experienced the loss of a loved one this past Friday. The Queen's grandfather passed away in Mexico not even two years after her grandmother passed away. This "sudden" loss really took everyone by surprise even though his health had deteriorated over the last six months or so. I regret that I did not get to spend more time with him to get to know him better. From what I know, he was a good man with a great work ethic who loved his family very much. He made a lot of sacrifices for his family. Rest in peace Damian.
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