Sexual Harassment
I had to go to state mandated sexual harassment training this morning. It was the best two hours of my week. I got a free breakfast and then actually got to work in a little nap. All that while most of my coworkers were working away in the office. Who could ask for more?
I must say that the training was a waste of time. We are required to attend the training every two years, but the materials did not change from the time I took it two years ago. The instructor of the class actually sounded like one of the people in your company who you watch closely because you think he is going to say something that will get you hit with a sexual harassment lawsuit. He was making silly wisecrack comments the entire time. I could tell that he did not totally buy into the program he was teaching.
I can see why to a certain extent. He said that the average sexual harassment award was more than four-hundred thousand dollars. That is a very large figure for actions that don't even have to be proven. Most companies are encouraged to settle out of court. If the cases do go to court a jury decides the award, which could be even more money.
I totally understand being in tune with people's feelings and doing everything you can to not hurt them or put them down, but some of the cases are absolutely silly. the government has made sexual harassment a priority over safety, which seems backwards to me. I definitely think there are more important things to worry about most of the time.
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