Friday, August 13, 2010

Work of Art

I watched the finale of Work of Art last night. I have really enjoyed this show. It is the first show in a long time that I can't wait to watch each week. There were several people on the show whose art I just did not like, but I think the final five were really talented. I don't know how people get that creative.

Simon de Pury was a great part of the show. He was really excited most of the time and the combination of his accent and choice of words was great. I can see that he was really inspirational for the artists on the show. I wish I was like him.

Miles was the typical tortured artist for the entire show. He had some major social issues, but they did not make him come off as a jerk. He was one of the closest characters to what I perceive a true artist to be. I always think of an artist as a quirky character and that is what he was. I knew that he would make it to the finals, but hoped he would not be the winner.

Peregrine always made pieces that were more crafty than art to me. She was very creative, but I just did not like most of what she did. On the finale Simon visited the home of each of the final three. Peregrin's house was the closest to where I believe an artist would live. The house was filled with art objects and looked very inspirational.

Abdi was the person I thought was the most talented for the last three or four shows. He made a few of the most impactful pieces in my opinion. I think his nature inspired piece was the single best piece of the show. I really like his style and he always seemed to be in awe of everything. I think that personality or attitude or outlook on life or whatever you want to call it is what makes him the creative person he is. He truly deserved to win the show.


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