Thursday, December 30, 2010

My Obsession

I am offically obsessed. I cannot stop taking photographs. I think that my interest has been sparked again by my neice. She has really embraced the art form.

I find myself taking a lot of photos with my iPhone and especially the Hipstamatic app. It is quick, easy and gives me great lo-fi results. I even stick my phone out the sunroof of my car to take photos as I am driving. The good thing about this is that it does not distract me. I just hold it up, aim it and click the button. I don't even need to watch what I am photographing.

The day after Christmas we went to see my family again. I told The Queen I wanted to make a couple of pit stops. I ended up taking a lot of photos with my Canon 7D and iPhone. She got annoyed with me for taking so long, but I was having fun. Even Meg got into the act with her new video camera.

It is great seeing Meg's enthusiasm. She is not as obsessed as I am, but she is having some fun. I might have to put together a photography trip for Meg, my neice and me.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Recap: Personal Goals for 2010

I think I failed miserably this year. In my post of January 7, 2010, I listed my personal goals for 2010 as follows:

1. Reed 1 Book a Month.
2. Run in 2 5K Races.
3. Volunteer.
4. Change a Child's Life.

Here is a recap of how I did:

1. Reed 1 Book a Month.
I did OK on this goal. I read eleven books, listened to one audio book and read three short ebooks or pamphlets. I learned a lot this year and I plan to keep on learning into 2011. I plan on keeping this goal as is this year.

2. Run in 2 5K Races.
I failed miserably at this goal. I not only did not run in any 5K races, but I stopped exercising and running the last quarter of the year. I have put on about five or six pounds since I stopped. I am slowly starting to get back into things again by using the Nordic Track, but I really need to start running again. I plan on keeping this as a goal for 2011.

3. Volunteer.
All I can say is epic fail! I did not volunteer for anything this year. My excuse is that this year has just passed me by, but that is only an excuse. I really need to volunteer in 2011. I want to volunteer again at the Visalia Rescue Mission and I would like to do some work for Habitat for Humanity. I also have the idea in the back of my mind of an afterschool photography program at The Queen's school. Maybe I can figure out how to get that started this year. I really need to focus on this goal for 2011.

4. Change a Child's Life.
I don't know what to say about this one. We ended up getting two foster children for a little over a month. I really think we did change their lives, but I feel bad that we could not make a permanent change in their lives. I don't think we will get any other foster children for some time as it was much different than we expected. It was a learning experience. I think we can change a child's life without actually have them as a foster child. We can do this with some volunteer work or we can find another way. I would like to keep this as a goal for 2011, but I don't think it is realistic any more.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Story of Bottled Water

Check out The Story of Bottled Water to learn why buying bottled water is a bad idea. Please buy a reusable stainless steel water bottle and take your water with you. Here is a link to some great water bottle options. If you buy one you will also support 1% For The Planet. Browse the site for more sustainable options, including reusable shopping bags.


Friday, December 17, 2010

This is a Powerful Presentation

With all of the information we know today, why do people continue to smoke? I don't have the answer, other than the fact that we are getting too lazy. It is too much work to quit smoking.

Teenagers don't pay attention to the facts and by the time they are old enough to care, it is too late. They have already been smoking long enough that it makes it too hard to quit.

Share this presentation with anyone you know who smokes so just maybe they will get the strength to quit. It isn't too late.


SCICON Revisited

Most people who grew up in Tulare County visited SCICON when they were in the sixth grade as I did. I remember it being a fun time, but don't remember many details. The Queen went this year for her second time as a teacher and I decided to take a day off work and visit her up there.

I looked at a map and finally remembered the cabin I stayed in when I visited the first time, Winterhaven. I have a horrible memory, especially when it comes to my childhood, but I finally remembered the name of my cabin.

When I decided to visit The Queen I really started thinking about what I was expecting to see at SCICON. I remember thinking it was a cool place when I was in sixth grade, but would it still be cool or would it be run down. After all, it is run by the office of education which is a government office. We all know that our schools can become run down, so I thought SCICON might be the same way.

When we arrived I met the principal of SCICON, Rick, and found him to be a really nice guy. I later found out that he has been the principal for twenty-three years. He works long days since the SCICON day starts around seven in the morning and goes until about nine at night. He has a house on site, so he can go home throughout the day. His wife is the nurse there which means they get to spend some time together every day.

We made our way to the cabin where the teachers stay and I surprised The Queen. She had no idea that I was coming up to visit her. It was great to see her after a few days apart.

I was really surprised that SCICON was in great shape and was still very cool. As I walked around the main area and hiked some of the trails I started to remember little bits and pieces about my trip there in 1983. I remembered the bell and the dining hall.

The Queen and I decided to take the Sky Trail hike. That is the longest hike offered at SCICON. I took the hike when I was in sixth grade, but The Queen never had. It was a great hike and half way up I remembered the spot were we stopped and had a sack lunch when I made the hike as a sixth grader. We continued all the way up to Hermit's Cabin. I found the rebuilt cabin there. When I made the trip the first time, it was just a pile of wood with some pots around it.

In the end the hike took us a little more than three hours. It was a long time, but I really enjoyed it and took a lot of pictures. I would really like to take the trip up there for the day every year that The Queen is there. I even told her that it would be great if she got her administrative credential and became the principal of SCICON when Rick retires.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Why Can't We Change?

I am sure most of us wonder why our companies or organizations can't change. Here is a good list of reason why.

Ego is one that really stands out to me. It really is difficult for people to admit they are wrong. It takes a great person to be able to admit they are wrong and look for the correct solution.

Groupthink is another one that is very common. I think of this as "yes men." Many leaders either knowingly or unknowingly surround themselves with people who agree with them. These people think they cannot disagree with their boss and this devalues their worth to the company. You create an organization that relies on one person for vision and change.


Monday, December 6, 2010

I Am The Proud Owner of a Bachelor's Degree

I graduated from USC with a bachelor's degree in 1993, but I finally own my degree. It only took seventeen years and five months to pay for my college education, but it is now officially paid off. It was a struggle at times in the beginning, but I made it. I guess I can now say that my education has paid for itself.

I was not in a hurry to pay off my student loans because the interest rate was so low. There was always something else that took priority. It is a relief to be done with it though. Now I just need to work on The Queen's loans. She did not get a great rate on her student loans. I don't know why that is other than the fact that she graduated fourteen years after me.

I have done just fine in my career even with my student loan payments. My loans have not been much of a burden on my financially. I don't think student loans would be too much of a burden on any college graduate and I think they should be part of the financial aid package for everyone who attends college. You need to value your education and in my mind the only way you can is if you have to pay for it. You would think twice about all of your career decisions if you had loan payments to make every month.

I think this goes hand in hand with my belief that every teenager should work had. I worked in a fruit packing house stacking boxes every summer after I turned sixteen. It was long hours and difficult manual labor, but it made me appreciate college and my career after college. Even before I turned sixteen I worked one year picking up grape trays our in a grape vineyard. After that and working in the packing house, I did not want to end up having to do manual labor for the rest of my life.

The problem today is that it is difficult for teenagers to get those jobs. Most of them are having to work in fast food or retail jobs. Retail jobs to me are just too much fun. They are not hard work at all and are very social jobs. They do not teach the value of hard work and do not make you appreciate working hard for what you get.

Kids today also seem to have much more of a sense of entitlement. They feel like they should not have to do manual labor. It is beneath them. All they want to do is have a job that is fun. They don't know what a serious job is like and will be shocked when they enter the real world and work for their first difficult boss. Most of them will not be able to handle it.

My life has taught me some valuable life lessons and has shaped me into the person I am today. My parents helped me with my college expenses or else I would not have my loans paid off yet. I appreciate their support and believe that what they provided for me was appropriate. They did not give me too much help and I value that. I am planning to do the same thing with my kids and hope they turn out even better than me.


Go Green(er) This Holiday Season


Friday, December 3, 2010


I am so proud of Meg for the way she finished the soccer season. She played very well in the play-offs, even though her team was eliminated. In her final game on Tuesday she was one of the best players on the field again. She did not score any goals, but that was because she only got the ball a few times in the game. She even moved all the back to help several times.

I have always known that she was a good player, but that she did not always try. I had a talk with her toward the end of the season and told her that coaches were watching to find all-star players. At that point she started playing like her self again.

It was disappointing that she did not make the all-star team. She had a bad tryout, but I still think she was one of the top players there. Politics can crush the hopes and dreams of kids. She has taken it well though and really wants to work on her skills in the off season. I am so glad that she has taken that attitude.


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Taking the Plunge

I was watching some videos on Monday that inspired me once again. I read "The 4-Hour Workweek" back in February and have been thinking about starting my own business ever since. Actually, I started thinking about my own business a long time ago but I really started to get more serious after reading that book. Ever since I saw the movie "Father of the Bride" I have wanted to own a small manufacturing company. I don't know why that movie inspired me, but it did.

I feel like I need to create something tangible. I love technology and know that is the future...and present...but I just need to create something that I can put my hands on. At least I feel like that is my ultimate goal. I have flip flopped a little bit though after what I saw on Monday. I feel like I just need to create a revenue stream as soon as possible. I am not going to take the complete plunge and quite my job. I will just get my toes wet and start a new source of income until I am ready to take the plunge.

I love the idea of reducing my things, but it is just not in the cards right now. The Queen and the girls are not ready to give up there things, even if it means that we can travel the world. They are so entrenched in American culture that they believe that they need things. Don't get me wrong, I have my things as well and am not completely ready to give them up. I think I am closer to that than they are though.

Besides leading a simpler life and not having bills to worry about and upkeep of cars and a home. It is more in line with the greener lifestyle I desire. It would be great to get our from under the weight of the world and just do whatever I want to do. If I want to go to Mexico for six months or a year, so be it. If I want to travel farther South from there and end up at the tip of South America I could do that to.

I could start the non-profit that I have been thinking about since reading the book. I could show my kids the world and not worry about anything else. That would be a great life, but we are not yet ready for that. I just need to take the first step and getting a second income coming in first. That is my three month goal. Even if it is just an extra five-hundred dollars a month. Every little bit helps.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy...& Sick

Time is flying this year! I have not been prepared for anything in both my work and personal lives all year. It just seems like as soon as I start to think it is time to begin planning for something I get busy doing other things and before I know it the even is upon me.

I am not ready for Christmas. I am not ready for Christmas shopping. I am not ready for The Queen's Christmas party which takes place this Saturday at our house. We are not done with our Christmas decorations yet. I have a plant on the front porch that died a month or so ago and I have not replaced it yet. The plants along the front walkway have decided that they are not going to come back yet this year so the flower beds are pretty bare. I have not had a chance to mow the front and back lawns because of the rain pattern we have had. And to top it all off, I am starting to feel sick. I am just not ready.

I was outside the last two nights building a fence and gate on the side of the house to keep Cocoa under control. It is taking me a little longer than I thought because I decided at the last minute to add another post and make the gate smaller than I planned. It is not a big deal, but now I need to wait for the concrete to set before I can hang the gate, which I finished building last night.

Meg has a playoff soccer game tonight, so I won't be able to get that much done tonight. I am just planning on getting the indoor Christmas decorations done tonight so I can move outdoors tomorrow night. I still need to finish the fence and gate, wash the windows, mow the lawns, pull weeds and plant something in the bare spots near the front door. I hope I can get everything except the windows and planting done tomorrow night. We are expecting rain again at the end of this week, so I need to work fast.


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Proud to be an American?

Meg had a school performance tonight and the theme was America and a solute to our veterans. The school was divided up into four groups that each performed three songs. One of the songs was a hymn of one of the branches of the military. They finished with two songs that the entire school sang together.

With all of the patriotic songs being sung, I could not help but think about their meaning. The songs all saluted the "men who died for our freedom." There have been many heroes that have died defending this great country. But there have also been many men who have died for no reason at all. I am ashamed that we treat these men the same as the men who fought to defend our country. I am ashamed because our government sent these men into battle for misguided reasons.

Vietnam was a disaster of a war. The government fabricated reasons for us to fight that war and the public was up in arms. It was horrible for everyone. The Gulf War is another horrible situation that our government put us in. Their were fabricated reasons that justified sending our troops to that region and many men and women have sacrificed their lives for no valid reason.

Every Veteran's Day we should think about the heroes who died to give us our freedom. We should also think about the mistakes our government has made and make sure we don't repeat them. We can change the future!


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Politics of Youth Soccer

I have been participating in one way or another in AYSO soccer for more than ten years. I have coached, been a team referee and volunteered for numerous team duties. I saw the politics of the sport ten years ago and I have seen the new politics this season.

I never thought much about how being a coach or assistant coach was a political move, but it dawned on me a few days ago. If you as a coach can get the parent of another really good soccer player to be your assistant, your chances of being successful are that much greater. Having two or three good players on your team is enough to move you to the top tier of your league. That means moving on to the playoffs.

Ten years ago the coach of a team would recommend two or three players to be considered for the all-star team. The coaches of the all-star team would then select the players they wanted on the team. This was a very political process since there was no formal tryout. There was also no way that the all-star coaches could get around to see all of the players that were recommended play in their league games. It was a who you are and who you know system. Chels was almost always recommended for the all-star team, but she was never selected.

With the effort of appearing to be more fair, our local AYSO has changed things us a bit. The coaches still recommend two or three players from their team for the All-star team, but now there is a three hour tryout. It turns out that Meg as recommended for the team and attended the tryout. There were more than sixty girls at the tryout and only twenty-seven girls would make the all-star team. Meg did not play her best at the tryout, which was disappointing, but I was not overly impressed by many of the girls there. I think Meg was a middle of the pack player. This, in my mind, would mean that she should make a team. We are still waiting to find out.

I was talking to Meg's assistant coach for a lot of the tryout and the first thing out of his mouth was that this looked to only be a formality. In other words, he was implying that most of the selections have already been made. For instance, all of the all-star team coaches' daughters have already made the team. That means that there were only twenty-three or twenty-four slots open for the girls trying out.

I watched the tryout pretty closely and I told The Queen that I don't know how the coaches can make a decision in just three hours, especially with so many girls trying out. There were only five coaches watching all of the girls, so there was no way that they could really watch each girl to see what there skill level was.

I read a book recently that looked at hockey all star teams. An economist studied the make up of the teams and found that the older kids usually made the teams over the younger kids. The older kids were usually bigger, which meant they looked the part of an all-star. They did not find that the bigger kids necessarily had better skills, they were just bigger. Over time these kids do end up becoming the better players because they get more practice time with better coaches. It turns out to be a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy. The thinking goes something like this, "you are bigger, so you must be better" and eventually the kids are better.

I really hope that the selection process for this AYSO all-star team was more fair than that. Meg is not one of the bigger kids and she is one of the younger kids, but she has some natural instinct that makes her a good player. I think with some more coaching she could develop into a great player. If she does not make the all-star team, I have already told her that we will work on her skills in the off season to make her a better player next year. She has already identified the skills she wants to work on, so I know she is serious.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Play Like an All-Star

Two weeks ago I told Meg that she was being recommended to try out for the AYSO all-star team. I told her that the coaches would be watching her and that she needed to play her best, she needed to play like an all-star.

I missed her game that week while I was in Chicago, but she did indeed play like an all-star. She scored two goals in the first quarter of her first game that day. She did not score anymore goals that game or any in the second game of the day, but The Queen told me that she played really well. I was proud of that because she has not been playing like herself this season.

I reminded her when I got home that this past weekend was the start of the playoffs and that she needed to play as hard as she could. All of the teams had three games and if she wanted to keep playing she needed to play like an all-star again. I guess she was listening to me.

Her team had to be at the sports park by seven in the morning on Saturday to check-in for the games. That was early and cold, so I did not expect very much from the team in the first game. They played a solid game like they usually do and ended up with a one to one tie. That was not a bad performance, but I knew they could do better.

They started out sluggish in their second game and let the other team get a lead. But in the second half they dominated the other team. They held them scoreless and cut into the lead. It was too little too late though and they ended up losing the game. That second half was the best I had seen them play all season up to that point. They had one game left on Sunday to try to keep their season alive.

On Sunday they came out playing hard, but gave up a goal early. They did not let that hurt them though. Meg came back and scored two goals in the first half and her team took the lead. In the second half she had a great assist which ended up putting the game away. They ended up winning the game five to four. We did not know if that was going to be enough for them to continue their season or not.

We got a call last night that they squeaked into the playoffs and that they would continue practicing for the next two weeks. The girls ended the season strong and get another chance to play like a team and continue their playoff run. I hope they can keep it up.


Friday, November 5, 2010

Ch Ch Ch Changes

I don't know why that song line popped into my head when I was thinking about this post. I really don't even know what song it is.

My family has gone through some changes this last month and a half...and the changes continued yesterday. As you may know, we added some foster kids to our family in September. Today we had to drop them off with their new family.

I can't give all the details about why this happened, but I can say it was a sad day for all of us. We hope that B and K will be able to grow with their new family. We also hope that Meg will be able to go back to being the old Meg we love so much.

Foster care is a big decision. It is not to be taken lightly. We all thought we were prepared, but there really was no way for us to be. We were all taken by surprise.

I hate to call it an experiment because it affected so many lives, but it was definitely a learning experience for us. I hope that B and K will take the things we taught them with them for the rest of their lives. We hope we did our little part to make their lives better.

If "stuff" is a measure of happiness, then they are much happier now then when they first arrived in our home. When The Queen picked them up they only had the clothes they were wearing and the shoes on their feet. The county gave them each a sweater, but that was it. We bought them a lot of clothes and some toys to help them be kids. I just hope they took more than "stuff" with them. I hope they learned some things from our family.

It was somewhat funny. When we told them that they were going to live with a new family, K just asked what she was taking with her. She asked if she was going to be able to take a couple of items with her, like her Halloween costume. She also told us she wanted to leave a picture she drew recently with us.

She told us she missed us, but she was OK with the change as far as we could tell. B shed some tears, but she was her same outwardly strong self. I know she was disappointed that they were moving, but she tried not to let it show.


Thursday, November 4, 2010


We all make choices everyday. Some of us make choices based on doing the right thing. Others make selfish choices.

I am a selfish person by nature. I don't know if it is a product of my upbringing or something else. Even though I am selfish, I try to always make decisions that positively affect my family.

I put my family first and take it very personally if they are not treated properly. I don't spoil them and do not expect anyone else to either, but I want them to get what they deserve.

Some people make other things more important than family. Some choose their friends over their immediate family. That is one thing I do not believe in. My family is everything to me.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to Fix California's Budget Problems

I know how to fix the state's budget problems. It is a real easy fix. The problem is that most people do not want to hear it.

The real problem in our state is the mismanagement of funds. We are overspending on things that are necessary, but should not cost what our state and local governments pay for them. Many of these services are very necessary and most politicians pander to the unions that represent the employees of these services.

My first change would be to cut the pay for police and fire. There were a few articles in our local newspaper last week that pointed out the number of policemen and firemen that make more than one-hundred thousand dollars per year. That is an outrageous salary for the area we live in. The problem is that the unions who represent these two groups are very powerful. They always have politicians in their pockets. I think most unions are totally unnecessary any way, but these two are some of the worst. They play on the public's fear that we cannot be without there services. I agree that we can't, but we definitely don't need to be paying the price we do.

I see policemen from other towns driving their cars home. What is the benefit of that to the taxpayer in the town where they are employed? I can understand it to a certain extent if the officer lives in town, but to drive a city vehicle out of the city to your house every day is an unnecessary expense. And why couldn't that car be used by another officer on a different shift? How about a little cost sharing here.

As far as the firemen go, most of the time they are just on call. They are getting paid overtime every week while they just sit there and wait for a call. How does that make sense? Maybe they should be paid a small hourly wage for on-call time and then be paid a bonus per call. That might be one solution to get their pay back in line.

Military spending is another area that is out of control. This doesn't affect the state directly, but it is still an issue. I appreciate our service men and women a great deal, but at least some of them are overpaid. I know of a few that get large moving bonuses, for lack of a better term, every two years or so. They move their families on the cheap and then pocket the rest of the money. The few I know also own multiple houses. I know a lot more people who are not in the military and a much smaller percentage of them own multiple houses. I understand that some of these people put their lives on the line to protect us, but there are many who never even go to war who reap the benefits just the same as those who do.

Another area where spending should be cut drastically is in our prison system. We pay for a lot of things that these prisoners should not be receiving. For instance, if a prisoner is in the process of having a sex change, they get to finish the process in prison with tax payer money. Why is this the case? It is a waste of our tax dollars. The same goes for the rest of the medical and dental benefits that the prisoners receive. Most of these people would be on MediCal if they were not in prison, yet while in prison they receive better care and services than the correctional officers receive. It is absolutely ridiculous.

And these are just a few of the areas that I know about. I would imagine that there are many other types of spending that could be cut back just the same to help put our state back in the black. The politicians this election are focused on things like getting our farmers water and cutting taxes when they should be focused on the real issues to get our state back where it needs to be.


Monday, October 25, 2010

Why We Do The Things We DO

We all have our own reasons for why we do the things we do. It is human nature to do things that get you some recognition. It feeds our egos. But some of us do it much more often than others. Some people truly want to do the right thing while others want to do the thing that gets them noticed.

There was an episode of Friends in which Phoebe wanted to do a truly selfless good deed. Everything she talked about doing or did was found to have some self interest in it. She got some satisfaction from it. If you really think about this, it is true that almost everything you do has some bit of self interest involved. You do something because you want to help people. You do it because it is the right thing to do, and that is what your parents taught you. In other words, you don't want to let your parents down. I am not saying this is wrong, but what is wrong is when someone does something because they want to get recognized for doing it.

You can't look at the public person and judge them by that persona alone. There are many people who lead double lives and are completely different at home and at work. There are many people who like to manipulate people into thinking they are someone they are not. These are the people who do good things for the wrong reason. Many politicians fall into this category.

I despise these people. I understand that if there was not some bit of self interest than nobody would do good things. I have a problem with the people who only do it to be looked at as good people. These people are living a lie. Nobody knows who they truly are and that is a sad thing.


Friday, October 22, 2010

I Geeked Out on Saturday

I checked the mail on Saturday afternoon and was not very impressed with what I found. I did get something from the city solid waste department. I was bored, so I opened it. When I finally laid my eyes upon what was inside I was very excited.

My town is finally composting! I was excited because I have been thinking about doing my own composting for some time now. There is just so much "trash" that ends up in our landfills that does not need to be there. It is a waste of our resources.

The Queen and I went out to dinner for our anniversary that night. It was a great meal, but on the way back I told her how excited I was that our town was starting to compost. She made fun of me and then said that I should have been more excited about our ten years of marriage. I told her I was, but that this was bigger than both of us. This was a step toward ensuring the future our our children and their children.

On Monday night I went to Target and decided to buy a new trash can just for the compostable items. I ended up getting a nice Simple Human can that matches our existing can. I am trying to get everyone excited about separating their trash, but it has not been easy. They are all playing along for now, but I don't know how long that will last.


Thursday, October 21, 2010

I Received My New Camera

The Queen bought me a Canon 7D for our ten-year anniversary. (She is great!) I finally received it Tuesday night. I could not wait to try it out, so I just stared at the battery as it charged. It was finally ready at about nine o'clock so I popped it in and started shooting.

It was dark, which was a perfect test for the high ISO settings. I started shooting and messing around with different ISO settings and shutter speeds. All of my shots were taken in the house and some of them turned out pretty great after running them through Noiseware. The only downfall is that I only have the community edition so it does not save the images full size.

I will continue trying this great camera out until my trip to Chicago on October 30. I will really test it's low light capabilities on that trip. I will retake some photos around the Chicago River that I originally took in 2006. I can't wait to see how they turn out.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Tea Party

So The Queen was telling me all about Dancing With The Stars this morning. She is an avid viewer. So she was telling me that everyone expected Bristol Palin to leave the show, however she was miraculously spared the humiliation and remains to dance again.

Let me start off by asking, is Bristol is a "star?" I don't believe she is and think that she was a very cunning publicity stunt for the show. They roped in all of the Tea Party viewers with that one casting decision. I think the producers of that show are the most brilliant in all of TV. Year after year they put people on the show who us non-viewers question, but they bring the viewers.

So, Bristol is not a star. She is just a young girls from Alaska who got pregnant as a teenager and has a famous mom. Her mom is not a star either, by the way. But she is famous because John McCain was desperate to find a running mate that he thought would get him votes. That is the only reason she was chosen as a running mate. She is not smart. She is not good at her job. She is just a strong-willed, attractive woman and that is what he thought he needed to combat Hillary Clinton.

By all accounts, Bristol is not a good dancer. She was expected to be voted off the show last night, but the voters, er Tea Party, kept her on. I am not a fan of the Tea Party. I think they are a bunch of misguided individuals who are being manipulated for a bigger agenda. The right wing is always good at manipulating people and whipping them into a frenzy. They love to play on fear and racial issues and they do a great job at it. They create a loyal group that will not question right and wrong. They create a loyal group that will even keep a bad dancer on a TV show because she is the daughter of one of their own.

I hate when people stop questioning authority and become sheep that just blindly follow their leaders. That is what the Tea Party is whether you want to believe it or not.


Thursday, October 14, 2010

What a Great Day!

Today has been a great day so far. The Queen and I are celebrating ten years of marital bliss. If that is not enough, she called me a little while ago to tell me she got tenure. What a great day!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It Has Been Difficult

I am not even going to sugar coat things. We have been having a tough time with our new larger family. B has really been testing us. She has also been testing Meg.

B has been very manipulative with regard to Meg. On Sunday she asked Meg to write mean things on a piece of paper. She kept telling her to write even meaner things. Yesterday she was throwing a fit about doing home work and then "tattled" on Meg. Meg got very upset. B eventually admitted that she asked her to write those things, but I told Meg that did not make it right. I told her that she knows right from wrong and that she needs to continue to make good choices.

B then told us that her therapist told her she can call her family. She said that Meg heard her tell her. Meg said that the therapist told her she would have to ask her social worker. We knew that was the case, but Meg confirmed it. B has issues with lying about everything. Last week she told us that she had an iPad at her house. Then later in the day she said, "I wish I had an iPad." She gets caught in her lies all the time.

I'm tired. And this week is my ten year wedding anniversary with The Queen. I hope I will be able to take her out so we can forget about everything for a while. I really wanted this to be a special anniversary, but that is not going to happen.


Friday, October 8, 2010

A Better Week

This week has been much better than last weekend. I am hoping that is is a permanent change, but you never know what will happen when the girls spend the whole weekend together again. On the positive side, Chels will be home this weekend so hopefully she can diffuse some of the problems for us.

Yesterday K was bouncing off the walls when I picked her up from her after school program. I let her go for a while and then told her to calm down and she did. She was much better after that. She actually kissed my eyelid and my cheek at two different points last night. She has hugged me and called me dad plenty of times, but that is the first time she has kissed me.

B and Meg were having issues before soccer practice. Meg was in a bad mood and she just was not taking much from B. I had to speak to her a few times to get her to act a little nicer.

I had to tell all three girls that they need to treat each other better. I will need to remind them of that constantly until it all sinks in.

The first thing out of K's mouth on Wednesday when the social worker came over was, "can I have a piece of gum?" The social worker told her she was not in charge, which was a good thing. Last night after soccer practice we were walking by the assistant coach who was buying something at the snack bar and B asked him to buy her a soda.

I had to tell the girls not to ask people for stuff. B said that she was just joking with the assistant coach, but I told her it was not a funny joke. I told them that it is rude to ask people for stuff. I know for sure that we will have to keep reminding them of this fact. It just seems to be second nature for them at this point. Whenever someone has something they say they want it. I guess that comes from their upbringing so far. It might have been a form of survival for all we know.

These bad habits are going to be hard to break, but I am game.

On another note, the social worker told us on Wednesday that their family members have been calling to try to see them. All of their rights have been terminated, but they keep calling. That is a little weird to me, but I guess I need to get used to it.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tough Days

We met with our social worker on Friday evening and talked about a lot of things, but mostly about how lucky we had been up to that point. She told us that this was the honeymoon phase and that things will change as the kids get more comfortable with us. She was right.

Saturday was a very hard day for everyone. We had an early soccer game so our day was very long. It was B's first game so she was pretty excited. After the game we split up because I had to referee a game. The Queen and the kids went to her parent's house for menudo. When I got home she told me that she had to separate all three of the kids when they got back home.

We headed off to lunch with my family and then we went straight to the girl's counseling session. K was excited to be there and B was just roaming around the whole place like she owned it. She even yelled up the stairs to her counselor at one point. Once they were in the hands of the counselor, we went to go see Chels for her birthday.

When we got back to pick them up, K was eating some Doritos. That kind of annoyed me since we just had lunch before dropping them off, but I let it go. The kids seemed to be fine.

When we got home, The Queen had to go to the grocery store to pick up some things for dinner. We were having some friends over that night. The girls all went out into the front yard to play. I checked on them often. After a little while, Meg came in and said that K said a bad word. I asked her what she said and she told me she could not say it. I brought K in and started talking to her about what she had said. She would not tell me the word she said, but told me that her little brother taught it to her. I gave her a time out.

Meg and B had already told The Queen what had happened before she walked in the door. She had another conversation with K about what she said and we left her in time out for a little while longer. We made her apologize to Meg for calling her a name.

The girls all started picking at each other, so we finally just took Meg into our bedroom and had a long talk with her. She was crying and was very frustrated. The Queen felt very sorry for putting her in this situation. I told her that Meg was strong enough to make it through this and would become a better person because of it. The picking at each other continued after our friends arrived. The girls had to be separated several times.

B fell asleep in the family room before anyone else. K came into the living room and wanted to lay on me. I let her for a while, but then told her she would have to brush her teeth and go to bed. She had a little fit, but went to brush her teeth the second time I told her. She ended up throwing a major fit in bed and was trying to make herself vomit. She was gagging herself repeatedly. I finally got her calm again and she went to sleep.

I went into Meg's room to turn off her light at about eleven and I heard K talking in her bed. I went in to find that she had vomited. The Queen and I cleaned everything up and got her in the shower and back into bed. It was a long day.

When I got the girls home from school on Monday I had them start their home work. Everything was fine and then all of the sudden B started crying and ducking under that table. I asked her to stop and she refused. She just kept whining softly so that I could not understand what she was saying. I took her home work away from her and told her she was done and that I would write a note to her teacher to tell her that B could not complete the work. I told her to leave the room so the other girls could finish their home work. She stopped crying at that point and started trying her home work again.

The Queen got home and it was time to take the girls back for another counseling session. When we got there B just started roaming around again and we made her stop. She just refused to listen to The Queen and kept moving a sign in the lobby. The Queen kept talking to her and B started banging her head on the window softly. It seemed like it was just to get attention. When the counselor came out she decided that B would be the only one to go to the counseling that day. At the end of the session we told the counselor what had happened and she told us that happens all of the time. When we got home B was better.

I am starting to wonder if B's behavior is tied to the counseling sessions. I will keep and eye on it to see if there is a connection.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Soccer Game for B

B finally got to play her first soccer game today. She played midfielder and defense an plied very well for her first game ever.

B had some really good plays and some great kicks. She will develop into a great stopper with some more practice.

Meg had a great game as well. She always plays very solid.

I still feel like I need to work more with both girls to help them develop.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

First Day of After School Care

Yesterday was the first day of after school care for K. She did not know that I was taking her someplace to stay, so she was surprised when we pulled up. She was a little shy while I was there, but that did change later. When I got there to pick her up, one of the kids told her that her dad was there. She came right over to me and asked me to pick her up.

When we were leaving a couple of the girls told her goodbye. She told them bye in return and we left without a problem. I asked her how it went and she told me that I should have picked her up a few minutes later. That really made me feel good.


First Day of Soccer

Last night was the first day of soccer practice for B. She was excited to start playing and was greeted by the assistant coaches daughter by name. That should have made her feel good.

About half way through the practice the assistant coach asked me how long she has been living with us. I told him that we picked her up on Wednesday. He asked how long she would be staying with us and I told him that as far as we know it will be permanent.

I asked him how she was doing so far and he said that she is not playing like someone who has never played before. I was watching her play and she was playing pretty well. I think the biggest adjustment for her will be running all the time. She seemed to take it easy as often as she could. But then again, most of the girls out there do the same thing.

I think soccer is going to be good for her.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Finally, New Additions

We just got a call and The Queen is picking up two sisters within the hour to come live with us.


Friday, September 17, 2010


I understand commitment. I guess my understanding of it is different than that of other people.

Meg's soccer coach emphasized that everyone should be at practice by 5:30 yesterday. Not 5:45. Not 6:00. We got to practice a few minutes early and started kicking the ball around. The team mom got there a little later and said that none of the coaches would be there. I told her that I have no problem with coaching the girls, but a little notice would have been nice so I could prepare some drills.

The team mom asked me to coach and I agreed. I waited a while and the assistant coach for the other team showed up and took over. I asked him if his team was going to scrimmage, like they normally do and he said they were. I told him that when they do I could take the younger girls aside and work with them.

When it came time for the scrimmage I took over and set up a little scrimmage between the six girls that were there. They were disappointed that they did not get to scrimmage a real team. I was very sympathetic to them. The older girls scrimmage every practice and they never do. It seems that they older girls are the priority to the coach.

I had the girls scrimmage for a while and then I stopped them and taught them what off side is, how to handle the ball if they are the goal keeper, strategy for each position and strategy for throw-ins. They were all messing around quite a bit, but that is expected because of the way their coach runs practices. There is usually so much down time in between drills that they naturally mess around.

Near the end of the practice, they assistant coach from the older team told me that picture day was on Saturday. He said that he did not know what time, but asked me to hand out the order forms. I really came away from this practice disappointed in our coach.


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

New Weezer Album

I have listened all the way through the new Weezer album, Hurley (Deluxe Version), once and it is a catchy collection of songs. There are some really good songs on the album and some that are not as good as with most albums.

Their sound has evolved again. There really is little similarity to the Blue Album that first made me love the band. Hurley sounds like it will be more accessible to the masses. We will see if Weezer will gain more commercial appeal with this album.

I need to listen to it more, but so far I do like what I hear. I just wish they would go back to the early Weezer sound on a future album.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Decisions, Decisions

We all make decisions every day. Some are good decisions and some are bad. Some are much worse than others. It is how we make these decisions and how we correct the bad decisions that matters most.

I know a couple who are having some problems. One of them made a bad choice and they tried to work through it. Then, the person who made the bad decision left. This person would then come back from time to time and expected everything to be back to normal. When it wasn't, this person got upset. They did not work hard to try and make the situation better. They did not try to win their spouse back.

The real problem is that the spouse just waited for them and accepted them back on their terms. The spouse did not make them change at all. The spouse just accepted them back when they were ready to come back. That was all.

I know this post is a bit confusing, but I think it brings up an interesting point. The spouse I reference above has low self-esteem. They have no drive and no ambition. It was just easier for things to go back to normal, however bad that is, than embrace change for the better. I think it was a poor decision and sets a bad example for their kids, but it is what it is.

I can tell you that would not happen in my relationship. First of all, we would never get to that point without talking to each other. If I was unhappy, I would tell The Queen and I know that she would do the same. We would work on the relationship with all of our energy before just giving up. Life is not always going to be perfect, so it will be what you make of it. We choose to make it the best we can. Not everyone feels this way and that is sad.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Dinkey Creek

The Queen and her family went to the mountains on Friday. I got a call from her around one o'clock that afternoon telling me that she reserved a campsite at Dinkey Creek for the night. I rushed to finish as much as I could at work and then went to the grocery store to get some supplies. I got home and packed everything I could think of and then hit the road.

It took me longer than I thought to get to the camp ground. Once I got there I just felt relaxed. It felt great to be in the mountains. As soon as I got there I stated setting up the tent with The Queen's help. Her dad took all of the kids on a walk so we had some time without interruption. We got the tent up pretty fast and just in time. The kids got back almost as soon as we finished.

Little Jaime went crazy by putting several different types of chips on the BBQ. They were all really good after being heated up. I imagine that is the closest you can get to taking them straight off the line where they are made. The next morning we even put a banana and chocolate donut on the grill and made s'mores with the banana, donut and a marshmallow. The Queen and Lisa thought they tasted pretty good. We really had a lot of fun.

The next morning The Queen and I went on our standard hike of the creek. We do the same hike every time we go and it never gets old. We went back to the campsite and took all the kids on the longer version of the hike. They had a lot of fun. We got back just in time to pack up and then we headed out to the Dinkey Creek bridge. We stayed there for a while.

The kids had a lot of fun rock hopping. Meg just kept leading them farther and farther up the creek. Little Jaime and Eric followed her wherever she went. We stayed there for at least an hour and then we headed for home. Overall this was a great trip. The Queen handled the camping very well and even said that she could have stayed longer. She is looking forward to doing it again next year. I can't wait!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Low Fidelity

I am obsessed with lo-fi photography. Several years ago I started playing with fact TtV using Photoshop. I really loved the results of this process. Last Friday I received an old Kodak Brownie that I ordered from ebay and I took my first test photo on Saturday. It turned out horrible, but I see the possibilities.

I have been scouring the web for any information about lo-fi photography, especially as it applies to the iPhone. We went camping overnight on Friday and I really went crazy taking pictures with my iPhone. It is just really handy to use. The quality is not great, but if you are going for a lo-fi look it is fabulous. I guess I am now obsessed.


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Do Politicians Affect Our Lives Personally?

I was watching the news this morning like I always do and I saw a commercial that I have seen once before. It asks if Barbara Boxer has affected your life personally in her 28 years as a politician.. I think it actually asked if you could name three things she has done to affect your life personally. Whatever the question, it made me think this morning.

Is it the job of a politician to affect our lives on a personal basis? I don't know if it is. What I do know is that most people are so blinded by politics that they could not even notice if a politician affected their lives on a personal level. The only time they do notice is when it hits them in the wallet in the form of a tax increase. Most people don't even give politicians credit when a new park is built or when their roads are repaved. And they really don't even want to notice when politicians make decisions that better the lives of those that are less fortunate.

I don't know if Barbara Boxer, or any other single politician for that matter, have affected my life personally. I would guess that they have many times, but I could not really name them. I think the better question is if politicians should really affect our lives personally. I think they work for the greater good which means that most times it may be difficult to determine what they have done to affect us on a personal level. Is that even their job?

I think this commercial is just trying to create fear in the voters. Fear that one of their elected officials has been in office too long and that she is not really doing her job. I don't know if this fear tactic will work, but this is now the status quo in political commercials. They rarely talk about positive items any more, instead focusing on the negative in order to create fear. I hate it!


Monday, August 30, 2010

Feeling Negative

For some reason I was feeling very negative this past weekend. I don't know why, but it just happened. Maybe it was the change of the weather that made me feel this way. Or maybe it is just that there is a lot of negativity around me right now.

Either way, I need to change my attitude so that it does not bring me down. For the last few years I have really tried to change my outlook on life and I have succeeded for the most part. Every once in a while though, even the most positive people can start to feel negative. This is what happened to me this past weekend.

I don't like feeling this way and as soon as I realized that I was, I made a conscience effort to change. It is not something I can change immediately. It will take some work, but I know I can start to feel more positive. There really are more positive things happening around me than negative, so I just have to stay focused.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I am so frustrated with Meg's soccer team. Her practice last night was moved all the way across town in order to scrimmage with another team. When we get there, the coach is not there as usual. I start looking around and I don't see another team that is not normally at our practices. I make a comment about it to the assistant coach and he tells me he does not make the plans.

It turns out that the scrimmage is with the coach's brother's team. The only problem is that they practice right next to us. So why did she move the practice all the way across town? I just don't understand. Typically bad decision making on her part.

Another issue is that Meg's coach has two teams this year. She has a daughter on each team and is practicing with both teams together. The problem with this is that it creates longer practices with a lot of down time. Her end of practice talks with the teams stretches on forever because she has to address each team individually. Her meetings with parents is the same way. We all get lectured for things that the parents of her other team are not doing.

It is just an unorganized, chaotic mess. I know that people will say that if I am going to complain that I should volunteer to coach next year. I have done that in the past and I committed a lot of time to it. My practices were organized and well timed. I was very efficient. I also committed a lot of time to the other responsibilities such as being a referee. I did my part and know it takes a lot of work, so I appreciate her for being a coach. I just don't think she is right for the job.


Friday, August 20, 2010


I have thought a lot about TtV photography for about the last three years. To accomplish TtV photography you get an old Kodak Brownie or similar camera and take a picutre through its viewfinder. The photos taken this way are slightly distorted and usually have a frame around them.

I have messed with TtV in photoshop adding the effect to some previously taken photos and have really enjoyed the results. I had not really thought about it for a while, until I got a Photojojo email that had a brief write-up about the technique. It renewed my interest and I started searching for a camera on ebay. I am now following an auction and hope to get it pretty cheap.

I am really trying a lot of new social sites lately. I first started using Blogger to write this blog. Then I joined Facebook to resarch it for work. I started using Twitter for the same reason. I moved on to Tumblr because I found that it works better with photos than Blogger. Now I have started a flickr account. It all ties together.

I started messing around with flickr because of the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone. I went pro so that I can upload more than one hundred megs a month. It is a racket, but I just felt the cost was worthwhile. You can view all of my photos. Book mark it and it will be updated with my new photos whenever you visit the link.


Thursday, August 19, 2010


I downloaded a new app for my iPhone 4 a few days ago. Hipstamatic is a photography app that recreates the look of photos taken by a Hipstamatic 100 camera with different film and flashes. It really is a pretty sweet app and I am having fun using it. I have had so much fun that I even started a flickr account. Watch my Hipstamatic photo stream.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Controversy at Ground Zero

I first heard about the ground zero mosque controversy this past weekend. I guess the right wing, led by Sarah Palin, is up in arms at the thought of a Muslim religious building being so close to the former site of the twin towers.

Throughout history we have fought for freedom. The freedom to choose your religion without the fear of being persecuted. The freedom to make choices without fearing for your life. The freedom to vote in our republic. Remember that our form of government is a republic with democratic rule.

The group that is planning the new mosque is including a museum along with it. They believe that it will be a tribute to the people who died in the terrorist acts that took place on September 11, 2001. This group of American citizens should have the freedom to build their mosque where they choose. Muslims are not bad people. It is just the extreme few that have given the religion a bad image.

We must remember that this country was founded on religious freedom. The people who immigrated to this country from Europe did so to escape religious persecution. All of the men and women who have died fighting for this country have done so to ensure we continue to have the freedoms we have. They did not die for certain people to have freedoms while others do not. They fought for the freedom of everyone.

I think people need to open their minds and put themselves in the place of someone who practices a minority religion. What would you do if you lived in Europe three-hundred years ago and wanted to practice a Protestant religion. You would not be able to without persecution. I don' want that for my country.


Friday, August 13, 2010

Work of Art

I watched the finale of Work of Art last night. I have really enjoyed this show. It is the first show in a long time that I can't wait to watch each week. There were several people on the show whose art I just did not like, but I think the final five were really talented. I don't know how people get that creative.

Simon de Pury was a great part of the show. He was really excited most of the time and the combination of his accent and choice of words was great. I can see that he was really inspirational for the artists on the show. I wish I was like him.

Miles was the typical tortured artist for the entire show. He had some major social issues, but they did not make him come off as a jerk. He was one of the closest characters to what I perceive a true artist to be. I always think of an artist as a quirky character and that is what he was. I knew that he would make it to the finals, but hoped he would not be the winner.

Peregrine always made pieces that were more crafty than art to me. She was very creative, but I just did not like most of what she did. On the finale Simon visited the home of each of the final three. Peregrin's house was the closest to where I believe an artist would live. The house was filled with art objects and looked very inspirational.

Abdi was the person I thought was the most talented for the last three or four shows. He made a few of the most impactful pieces in my opinion. I think his nature inspired piece was the single best piece of the show. I really like his style and he always seemed to be in awe of everything. I think that personality or attitude or outlook on life or whatever you want to call it is what makes him the creative person he is. He truly deserved to win the show.


Feeling Creative

I went for a walk last night to check the mail and on my way back I was mesmerized by the moon in the sky. It was about nine o'clock and it was not completely dark yet. The sky was a dark blue with the last vestiges of the sunset near the horizon line. The moon was in the classic shiver shape and there was a bright star directly above it.

I was inspired. When I got back home I grabbed my Diana+ camera and went to the backyard. I did not have a good view so I decided to take a walk to see if I could get a better view. I walked to the open field near my house and got some photos. I went back home and then went into the backyard again with my digital Rebel.

I tried to take one photo of the moon and was not successful so I started looking at the flowers and plants in the yard. I posted some photos on my tumblr site. I was really inspired last night for the first time in a long time. I hope my creativity paid off.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Soccer Practice Down

Meg's first soccer practice was yesterday. The coach chose to practice all the way across the field from where the parents sit, so we could not here anything she was saying. It was an interesting choice to say the least.

She coaches two teams. A girls under twelve and a girls under ten. She has the practices at the same time with an assistant coach for each team. The scrimmaged for ninety percent of the practice. I did not see much skills practice at all. At one point, I guess the girls were not listening and she had them do push-ups. That did not make much sense to me. Why not make them run while dribbling the ball?

My first impression of the coach at the parents meeting was that this was going to be a bad year. I can't complain since she is a volunteer, but I can still not be happy. I really hope that our assistant coach gets involved. His daughter is a really good player and I hope that he has taught her what she knows and he can share some of that with Meg.

Having the teams practice together is also an issue for me. Of course the older girls will dominate the skills competitions that you usually have at practice. They will also intimidate the younger girls in the scrimmage portion of the practice. The coach already had to tell them to watch their kicks because they were hitting the younger girls in the face. Meg got hit in the face, but she was OK.

During the scrimmage, the older girls dominated. The coach mixed the older and younger girls on the same team, but the older girls still dominated at each position. I think this will affect team chemistry if she keeps doing this. The girls need to learn to play with each other and that will not happen as long as this continues.

I will keep an open mind, but it doesn't seem like this is going to be a good year.


Monday, August 9, 2010

A Creative Spark

While The Queen was out of town on Friday night, Meg and I went to a movie. We watched Ramona and Beezus. It was Meg's choice, but I also thought that she would like this movie.

It was a pretty good movie and it inspired me to help Meg with her creativity. Ramona really reminded me of Meg. They are both individuals and are each very creative. Ramona's dad really encouraged her creativity. Watching the movie made me realize that I have not been doing a very good job of encouraging Meg's creativity.

On Saturday morning, Meg and I bought some turpentine to clean oil paint off of brushes. We then got all of our painting supplies out of the garage and set up an easel on the dining room table. We talked a little bit about what the subject of her painting would be and she decided she wanted to paint a picture of Cocoa Bean. I told her that was very ambitious for her first oil painting, but she insisted.

I took a photo of Cocoa Bean and printed it out for a reference for her. I helped her sketch the location of Cocoa's head and told her to paint the background without painting where Cocoa's head will be. She decided that she did not want a realistic background and chose to just paint it blue. I think the color is a great choice because the image of Cocoa will pop off of it very nicely.

This is a learning process for both of us, but it will be a lot of fun.


My Next Books

I ordered my next set of books on Saturday. I am in a real funk right now and it applies to my blog posting as well as my reading. I hope that these new books will break my funk and give me some inspiration. Here is the list of books I ordered:

  • Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days by Jessica Livingston
  • Raising the Bar: Integrity and Passion in Life and Business: The Story of Clif Bar & Co. by Gary Erickson, Lois Lorentzen
  • Shop Class As Soulcraft: An Inquiry into the Value of Work by Matthew B. Crawford
  • Stirring It Up: How to Make Money and Save the World by Gary Hirshberg

I have wanted to read Stirring It Up for some time and have always put it off. I think that will be the first book of this new group that I dig into. I really hope these books will give me a creative spark.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

My New Book

Well, it isn't really my new book. It is just the book I am currently reading. I am now reading The Sign by Raymond Khoury. The beginning of the book seems strangely familiar to me. I can't put my finger on where I have read something similar, but I have.

I needed to take a break from all of the business books I have been reading to read something that is a little more entertaining. I am still on pace to read twelve books this year, but this new book is a big one. It has four hundred and fifty-eight pages and I am only on page sixty-one. That means I only need to read a little over fifteen pages per day, which is very manageable.

I will need to shop for my next set of books very soon to make sure I get them in time. I am open to suggestions from anyone.


Monday, August 2, 2010

At the Coast

The Queen, Meg and I took at trip to the coast to see Unk Timmers. Here are some photos from the trip.

I am trying out Tumblr, so let me know what you think.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

I Like Dynamic

I have been working with a new advertising agency for the last few months and I have come to realize that I really like dynamic designs. I don't like printed materials that look static. I want to see movement conveyed in the design and any photography that is used. I just feel that static-looking designs are dated.

The problem is that I am having trouble communicating this to my agency. I don't have all of the answers for how they can achieve the look I desire. I expect them to come up with the ideas for that part of the work. I just want them to be a little more creative with their designs.

I am creative enough and involved enough in the work that is created for my company that I think I can be a pain for an advertising agency. I may be difficult to work with because I have somewhat of a vision of what I am looking for and I definitely know what I like and dislike. I always wanted to be an advertising executive because I feel that I have good taste. I can make good decisions on what is a good design.

This is what makes me a bad customer for a graphic designer or advertising agency. I can't change, but I can work on better communicating my thoughts with the people I work with. That is my challenge.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Resistance

Linchpin is a great book full of some really good insights. I have already found myself talking about many of the points in the book. Just last night The Queen and I were talking about education and whether it is worth it for her to pursue a master's degree at this point. I told her that she needs to fight the resistance and get over her anxiety and do what she wants to do.

Seth focuses a lot of time in the book talking about the resistance. Some of what he says is a little counter-intuitive, but once you have a chance to sit back and digest it it becomes a little bit easier to understand. The resistance is what your lizard brain constantly does to try to protect you. It keeps making excuses for you to not do the things you want to do. It convinces you that you will fail if you try, therefore you should just not try. It is trying to protect you from this failure.

As I think back, I encounter the resistance all the time. There have been many things that I have wanted to do and most of the time I give in to the resistance and just decide that I can't do those things. It is really painful to look back and realize how often this has happened to me. I have not been in total control of my decisions and this is bad.

I would like to say that now that I am aware of the resistance I will not let it control me, but as Seth points out in the book it is not that easy. You have to put yourself in uncomfortable situations. You need to think about the things the resistance is telling you. If is difficult to overcome. It takes a lot of effort, but in the long run it will pay great dividends if you can overcome the resistance. I need to make a conscious effort to overcome the resistance before it is too late.


Monday, July 26, 2010

Fat & Happy

I will admit it. My company got fat and happy. Management, including myself, got complacent. We let our guard down and now we are paying the price for our mistakes. My company is going through a rough patch. This trouble came to us much later than most companies because we had done a fairly good job before the recession. But we are dealing with it now.

Within the last few weeks we have laid off a hand full of employees. Our overhead is increasing and we are struggling to ship product. The layoff was the right thing to do to help our overhead issue and it should not affect our ability to ship product. It is just a minor readjustment that was long overdue.

Sometimes a company has to make the tough decisions. When times are good, companies sometimes put these decisions off. This is a really bad thing. It is important to continue to make the tough decisions even when times are good. We did not do ourselves any favors by putting these decisions off. If an employee is not carying their weight you need to cut them loose. A company cannot afford to absorb the overhead of an unproductive employee.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Contemplating My Life

Two things this past week have made me think about my life. On Sunday we went to my Uncle's house because another Uncle and Aunt were in town from Oklahoma. Last night we visited one of The Queen's co-worker's children in the hospital. These two things have made me think about my life and life in general.

The visit to my Uncle's house was something I really wanted to do. I have not been to his house in many, many years. I think I have only been there twice and he has lived there for a long time. The reason for this is that when I was still a kid a rift in the family happened. I don't know the reason to this day. All I know is that I was pretty close with my cousins and then all of the sudden we never saw them. It changed my relationship with there family forever.

Visiting their house again on Sunday really made me think about my family. Both of my parents have interesting relationships with their families. Obviously, my mother's family had the problem above with her brother's family and another problem with her sister. My father has one brother who lives locally who we only saw a few times growing up and the rest of his family lives out of state. I guess every family has those members who are a little weird or do not fit in with the rest of the family. I just started to wonder if it was my parents who were the weird ones or if it was their siblings.

We visited the hospital last night because T-Bird's co-worker's daughter had to have a heart procedure. This is the second time she has had to have it and the doctor said that it did not work this time. She will need to have open heart surgery in a little over a month. One of her arteries is smaller than it should be and is going to restrict her growth and cause some other problems unless it is corrected by surgery.

It was hard to watch a little child laying in bed with wires and tubes attached to her. From time to time she would get very frustrated that she had to lay there in bed. At one point she even started trying to pull everything off of her hand. She could not even get up to go to the bathroom and this really annoyed her. She did not want to go to the bathroom in a bed pan. She tried to get out of bed several times to go to the bathroom.

I cannot even imagine what her parents are going through thinking about the surgery that is coming up. The doctor told them that they do about fifty of these surgeries a month, but that does not ease your mind when you are in that situation. I just wish the best for everyone involved and hope that they can just enjoy life a little while they are waiting for the surgery.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

Brainstorming Change

The Queen works for a school in a low income area of town. Many of the parents of students are involved in gangs. Many parents are not home very much, so the kids are on their own a lot of the time. There is a church that is located in a an upper middle class area of town that supports the school with whatever they need. They have one person who is there every week.

This church inspires me. They really support the kids and families of this school in everything they do. If they kids need something, all the school needs to do is ask and the church does there best to get those items for the kids. For example, every year the church supplies many, if not all, of the students with back packs and school supplies. When one of the teachers started a Saturday academy for the kids, he asked the church for shirts and they provided them.

Last year The Queen had this girl in her fourth grade class who was behind in every subject. She could not read or write, but she tried really hard and wanted to learn. Everyone thought she might have some learning disabilities, so they tested her. It turned out that she did not have any disabilities, but was affected because her family moved a lot when she was younger. She was just always behind so she never learned the things she was supposed to. I really wanted to help her and mentioned it to The Queen a few times, but I never acted on it.

Last night we were sitting in one of our favorite Mexican food restaurants and I told her that the book "Linchpin" was really motivating me to do something. I told her that I would like to volunteer in an after school program at her school. We were talking about it for a while and she told me that she thought something involving computers would be good. I said that was fine, but I would like to make it very unstructured so that the kids could choose what we did.

I mentioned that it would be great if we could get a company like Apple to donate some laptops and maybe a company like Canon could donate some cameras. We could then have weekly assignments for the kids to look for. They could find their own solutions to problems like intersecting lines. I think it would teach them to look at their world in a different way. It would show them that beauty can even be found in their own neighborhood. I got really excited about this idea. Now all I have to do is find some way to get some laptops and cameras so I can move forward with this idea. I think this is too much to ask of the church.

I also mentioned to T-Bird that we can't rely on teachers alone to run after school activities for the kids. We need to get the community involved. We need to get local graphic artists to come in and teach the kids about art. We need to get local business people to come in and talk to them about entrepreneurship. We need to get the local college to come in and talk to them about opportunities for education. We need to try to open their eyes to the possibilities that are available to them.

Now comes the hard part.


Friday, July 16, 2010

Am I a Linchpin?

I am reading the book "Linchpin" by Seth Godin. His writing style does not keep me riveted, but it is a fairly easy read.

The book is very interesting to me, but I am constantly wondering if I have what it takes to be indispensable. Can I be a linchpin? I think I have a lot of knowledge that makes me very valuable to my company. I just don't know if I can be a linchpin.

I don't know how to be a linchpin yet. That much I do know. I need to figure that out.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Birthday O! Wretched Mortals!

Today is the one year birthday of this blog. My first post was short and sweet. It explained why I chose the name of the blog and a few alternatives I considered. Since that time, I think this blog has changed dramatically. It was originally just an exercise while reading the book "How to Think Like Leonardo DaVinci." Now it it a blog about my thoughts on many topics.

This has been a good exercise for me. I am not usually a person who likes to share my emotions with people. I consider myself almost devoid of emotion on most occassions. This blog has allowed me to explore my inner feelings and put them out for someone else to view, or read. I have grown a lot this year and look forward to more growth in the future.

I have struggled many times over this year to keep writing regularly. Early on my goal was to write something five days a week. There were some weeks when I wrote more than five times and there were other when I struggled to write two or three times. I am going through a very rough patch now where I am lucky if I write something once or twice per week. I don't like the fact that this has happened, but I don't know how to get out of this funk yet.

I really wanted to have a nice post for the blogs one year birthday. I thought I could come up with something insightful and deep. Obviously that did not happen. Maybe I will write something great next year on the second birthday.


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Do I Need an iPad?

On our trip to LA this past weekend, we stopped by an Apple store. Meg and I were standing next to each other playing with iPads while The Queen was watching us. Meg really enjoyed using it and was already thinking about how she could use it if she had one.

I loved the interface and the size. I didn't think that the size was right before I actually got to use one, but now I think it is great. I was just trying to figure out how I could justify the purchase.

Meg was playing with it for a while before asking The Queen how much it cost. She really wanted to get one and told her that she had her own money. When The Queen told her how much it cost she said that she needs to count her change. I did not have the heart to tell her she did not have enough money. Instead I told her that there was no need for her to buy one. I told her that if I buy one, she can rent it from me for fifty dollars an hour. She counter offered one dollar per hour. I countered back with twenty dollars per hour and told her that I could not pay for it at the rate of one dollar per hour. She agreed.

I was not being serious with her, but obviously she was really thinking about it. She valued it enough to agree to pay me twenty dollars per hour for using it. Wow! She really wants an iPad. Now I just need to be able to justify it in my mind.

So far, the three major downfalls in my mind are that it does not play PowerPoint presentations, it does not have any ports other than the standard iPod/iPhone dock connector and that it has to be synced with a computer. I think it should be a stand alone device with the necessary USB, firewire and HDMI ports.

I searched a lot this week to see if there was an easy way to convert a PowerPoint presentation to play on the iPad. My presentation has embedded video, so it is not just a bunch of static slides. This makes it much more difficult to convert. I guess I will just have to keep on searching.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Independent MBA

I have been thinking a lot lately about my reading list. As I have mentioned before, it is my goal to read one book every month this year. I started to slip while I was reading "The Toyota Way," but I am back on schedule after taking a few trips in June. I got a lot of reading done on my flights to the Midwest and Mexico.

Last week while I was driving back from Los Angeles I started thinking about my reading this year being the first year of my own personal MBA. I have been very open-minded while putting together my reading list and while reading the books themselves. I am focused on learning new ideas that I can implement in my own life. My reading has already been put to use in my career.

I have given a lot of advice to some of my coworkers ranging from lean techniques I learned from Toyota to people management skills I learned from "Delivering Happiness." I even dispensed some advice to my sister last night about making sure your employees are happy. She doesn't think that is her job, so I was trying to show her how valuable it can be.

Last month I finished reading "Rework" and "Delivering Happiness." I have now moved on to "Linchpin" by Seth Godin and I am enjoying it so far. The Queen actually picked it up while we were in Los Angeles and we had a nice conversation about the book on our drive home.

I am going to put a lot more thought into the rest of my reading list for this year to maximize its value. I really want to learn as much as I can from many different sources. Next year will just be my second year of my independent MBA studies.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Reunion in Los Angeles

The Queen, Meg and I took her dad to LAX for his trip to Tzintzuntzan. Now that both of The Queen's grandparents have passed away, I expected her parents trips to Mexico to stopy. They proved me wrong and are spending the summer in Mexico again this year. I guess they are just creatures of habit.

A few weeks ago I learned that a few of my college friends who live in the bay area were heading down to Los Angeles for the Fourth of July weekend. They were planning to spend the weekend with another college friend and her family. I thought it might be nice to visit all of them for the weekend since The Queen and I had not seen them for about six years. I persuaded The Queen's dad to make his trip work with this trip.

My friend Kelly's family recently purchased a condo near downtown Los Angeles at the corner of Wilshire and Western, directly across the street from the Wiltern Theater. She offered for us to stay at her condo, but we decided to get a hotel instead. I found a pretty good rate at the Wilshire Plaza hotel. It was just down the street from her condo and the reviews were not too bad, so I booked it. When I was booking it online I got a good price, then as soon as I booked it my confirmation showed a price almost fifty dollars higher in price. I had to call them to get the rate corrected. They told me that the price was correct, but that I should send them and email. I did and a few hours later they adjusted my rate back to the correct rate.

We ended up having The Queen's dad drive to the airport in his Caddy. We just thought that he would be more comforatable in it than in my Prius. After dropping him off at the Crowne Plaza, we headed to the hotel to check in. The hotel was in a pretty good area and looked good from the outside. We we got into the lobby, I was pleasantly surprised. It look pretty nice. We checked in and headed to the elevator. The room I booked was supposed to be a "view" room, so when we got to the sixth floor I could not wait to show Meg the Hollywood hills.

The room key did not work at first. It took several times sliding the card in and out before the door finally unlocked. I opened the door and was very dissappointed. The carpet was stained and in horrible shape. I walked in and looked around and discovered that one of the access panels in the ceiling was hanging down and that the ceiling had a large water stain. I pulled back the drapes to see the view and got a view of the building next door and a slight glimpse of the Hollywood hills. I was not very happy at all, but we did not have time to complain.

We got ready and headed over to Kelly's condo. We got there and had to call to the reception desk to get into the parking garage. We headed up to the reception desk. From there we had to be escorted to another elevator and out to the pool deck. We walked across and finally saw our friends in the function room. It was great to see them all and meet a lot of new people. Kelly and her husband were in the pool with their two daughters, so we walked out there to say hi. We talked a while and then went back in to catch up.

I found out that my college room mate is still living in Oakland and now has a son and a daughter. One of my other college friends who most people thought was gay is now married with a fifteen month old son. The other two friends I saw on the trip are still single with no marriage in sight.

We hung out and talked most of the evening and then we started playing Trivial Pursuit. I have never been good at that game. The Queen and I struggled along and Meg really started to get bored. We played a little longer before deciding to go back to our hotel.

I initially thought that my friends had all changed a lot. After thinking about it some more, I guess I am the one who has changed. They were still doing everything that we did when we used to spend a lot of time together back in college and after we graduated. I guess I just find it boring now. They are really into movies and TV shows, just like they were then. I just don't have the patience for those discussions anymore since I don't watch many movies or TV show.

I really need to give them another shot in a smaller gathering to see if we can reconnect.


Friday, July 2, 2010


It had been a while since we had visited Yosemite. We used to try to go every year, but when The Queen started school full time we found it much more difficult to go. They last trip we made was when one of her classes took a field trip there. Meg and I took my parents there for their first time. That was about four or five years ago.

We were due for a trip to Yosemite and I wanted to try to stay in Yosemite Valley. We had never done that before. I started trying to book our stay in February. I really wanted to try Housekeeping Camp, but it was booked so I opted for Curry Village. I didn't know much about it before we got there. All I knew was that it was located near the Vernal Falls trail head and that we would be staying in tent cabins. The tent cabins have a wooden floor, frame and door and canvas walls and roof. As our trip got closer I read online that they include cots, linens, towels and pillows as well as a bear locker.

When we arrived on Friday, we were greeted by our neighbors almost immediately. They told us that the night before there was a bear sitting on our bear locker. That got us a little excited, but I did not completely believe them.

We saw six deer in the meadow just outside our campground on Saturday evening. They did not care that people were all around them taking photos. When we returned to the campground, The Queen and Chels saw a bear walking through.

The view of Half Dome from the Curry Village parking lot.

This is Lower Yosemite Falls.

On Friday evening we watched a presentation and slide show given by Lewis Kemper, a photographer who worked with Ansel Adams. It was a great slide show that really made me think about light and composition. At the end he mentioned that between eleven and twelve o'clock that night a moonbow would be visible at Yosemite Falls. I decided to try to photograph it. He also mentioned that he would be leading a photo tour the next morning at eight-thirty.

I went out that night at about eleven-thirty and had absolutely no luck seeing the moonbow. I went back to our tent cabin and decided I would go to Lewis's photo tour the next morning.

I woke up in time and got ready to go. I ended up leaving later than I wanted to because I was talking to The Queen. I drove out of the parking lot and searched for the Ansel Adams Gallery to no avail. I just did not know where I was going. I gave up and decided I would take the tour on Sunday morning instead. We found the gallery on Saturday afternoon and I signed up for the tour.

On Sunday morning I woke up in plenty of time. I decided to take the free shuttle to the gallery. I had a long wait of about twenty minutes. Some of the deer were back in the meadow, but I resisted taking more pictures because I was running low on memory card space. The shuttle finally arrived and got me to the gallery in plenty of time.

Canon in the park was working the tour in conjunction with the Ansel Adams Gallery. They were allowing people to try their camera bodies and lenses free of charge. I decided to try the Canon 5D Mark II and a 24-105mm lens. I was very impressed with the camera.

The tour was just around the meadow near the gallery, but I think I took some great photos. At the end of the tour they let us print a few photos for free and then let us know that they would email us all of our photos. I can't wait to see them all.

I love Bridalveil Creek and Bridalveil Falls. The area is just picture perfect. The only downside is that it is the first waterfall you see when entering from the South so it is always busy. It is a very easy hike to the falls and to the creek. I usually get pretty good photos in this area, and Sunday was no exception.


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