Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Citizen Revolt

We entered into the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan under false pretenses. That is a fact that we cannot ignore. Information was tweaked to support the position of those in charge. While I think that it was a good thing to remove Saddam Hussein from power, the reasons we did so were not correct.

I recently watched two documentaries about the war in Afghanistan, Restrepo and Camp Leatherneck. I watched them because I wanted to see what was going on there. I know that the documentaries can present information as the film maker wants it, but I think they did open my eyes.

Many Americans complain about our personal freedoms being trampled when the TSA gives us pat downs or full body scans in our airports. Conservatives are up in arms that the government is trying to force everyone to have health care. The right wing complains that we are becoming a socialist state and that our government is getting too big. Of course the right wing politicians don't want their jobs or the jobs of their friends eliminated, just the useless government jobs like social services and mental health. How would we feel if our country was occupied by a military force from another country?

Afghan citizens have to deal with the fear of having an occupying force in the ground all around them. They are pushed around and forced to answer to these people from another country. One thing that is repeated in both of these documentaries is that the Afghan people do not like having the US military in their country. They don't like the fact that they have to answer to our young military. I don't blame them one bit.

In Camp Leatherneck it is stated that it costs one million dollars per man per year to have our marines in Afghanistan at that facility and nearby outposts. I don't know how correct that number is, but that is a lot of money! If that number applies to all branches of the military in Afghanistan then we are spending a lot of money on a war that we should not be in. We are also losing a lot of lives that we don't need to be wasting.

The Republicans and Tea Party like to blame our national debt on Obama's "failed" programs. I would like to blame them. They love to say that they favor smaller government, but the military is part of the government and we are spending billions of dollars every year to have our military occupy Afghanistan and Iraq. Those billions of dollars could be used for programs here in the United States our to pay down our national debt, instead of being wasted.

I think we need to cut back our military spending significantly. We should keep the essential programs including DARPA and ARPA-E because their research has given us a lot of the things we use in every day life. We need to lose our belief that we need to police the world, it only makes other countries hate us passionately.

With the unrest happening in Egypt and other countries, now is the time to reduce our role in policing the world and the time to bring our service members home. We are supporting the Egyptian people and are saying that it is their choice to fight for democracy. We are telling them that we do not have a say, but we will support their decision. We should be doing the same thing in Afghanistan and Iraq. We should bring our military home.

Here are some numbers to contemplate:

So the wars have cost us over one trillion dollars and our national debt is fourteen trillion dollars. We spend nearly as much on defense as we do on Social Security and Medicare. That does not make sense to me. These wars are not doing anything to protect us in our daily lives while Social Security and Medicare both do. Take a look at those websites for more information.

I would like to see us utilize Facebook and Twitter to insist that we end these unnecessary wars and focus on our population at home the way the people in Egypt have used them to tell their government that they are not satisfied. We need to rise up and take control of our country the way they have. Tell our politicians that we do not like the way they are wasting our money and our futures. We deserve more.

Use the hashtag #citizenrevolt if you want to see change.


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