Friday, October 8, 2010

A Better Week

This week has been much better than last weekend. I am hoping that is is a permanent change, but you never know what will happen when the girls spend the whole weekend together again. On the positive side, Chels will be home this weekend so hopefully she can diffuse some of the problems for us.

Yesterday K was bouncing off the walls when I picked her up from her after school program. I let her go for a while and then told her to calm down and she did. She was much better after that. She actually kissed my eyelid and my cheek at two different points last night. She has hugged me and called me dad plenty of times, but that is the first time she has kissed me.

B and Meg were having issues before soccer practice. Meg was in a bad mood and she just was not taking much from B. I had to speak to her a few times to get her to act a little nicer.

I had to tell all three girls that they need to treat each other better. I will need to remind them of that constantly until it all sinks in.

The first thing out of K's mouth on Wednesday when the social worker came over was, "can I have a piece of gum?" The social worker told her she was not in charge, which was a good thing. Last night after soccer practice we were walking by the assistant coach who was buying something at the snack bar and B asked him to buy her a soda.

I had to tell the girls not to ask people for stuff. B said that she was just joking with the assistant coach, but I told her it was not a funny joke. I told them that it is rude to ask people for stuff. I know for sure that we will have to keep reminding them of this fact. It just seems to be second nature for them at this point. Whenever someone has something they say they want it. I guess that comes from their upbringing so far. It might have been a form of survival for all we know.

These bad habits are going to be hard to break, but I am game.

On another note, the social worker told us on Wednesday that their family members have been calling to try to see them. All of their rights have been terminated, but they keep calling. That is a little weird to me, but I guess I need to get used to it.


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