Monday, October 25, 2010

Why We Do The Things We DO

We all have our own reasons for why we do the things we do. It is human nature to do things that get you some recognition. It feeds our egos. But some of us do it much more often than others. Some people truly want to do the right thing while others want to do the thing that gets them noticed.

There was an episode of Friends in which Phoebe wanted to do a truly selfless good deed. Everything she talked about doing or did was found to have some self interest in it. She got some satisfaction from it. If you really think about this, it is true that almost everything you do has some bit of self interest involved. You do something because you want to help people. You do it because it is the right thing to do, and that is what your parents taught you. In other words, you don't want to let your parents down. I am not saying this is wrong, but what is wrong is when someone does something because they want to get recognized for doing it.

You can't look at the public person and judge them by that persona alone. There are many people who lead double lives and are completely different at home and at work. There are many people who like to manipulate people into thinking they are someone they are not. These are the people who do good things for the wrong reason. Many politicians fall into this category.

I despise these people. I understand that if there was not some bit of self interest than nobody would do good things. I have a problem with the people who only do it to be looked at as good people. These people are living a lie. Nobody knows who they truly are and that is a sad thing.


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