Saturday, February 20, 2010

How to be More Productive

I am about 2/3 of the way through my latest book, The 4-Hour Workweek and I am enjoying it for the most part. It is very informative.

I was reading some blogs using Alltop and I came across a posting titled, Everything You Know About Productivity is Wrong. This blog posting fit in very well with The 4-Hour Workweek.

The posting talked about the new rules of productivity. It is specifically referring to people who work on a computer. Here are the new rules:

1. Your productivity will vary wildly from day to day. This is normal.
2. Working more hours means getting less done.
3. Working harder means getting less done.
4. Procrastination can be good for you.
5. Happiness is the ultimate productivity enhancer.

I love the ideas presented in both this article and the book I am reading. I know first hand that I am much more productive in an office setting in short spurts. The rest of the day you are just looking for something to fill the time until you go home. It is not very productive at all and just brings you down. It makes you dread coming to work in the first place.

The author offers much more advice on how to put his new rules to use on his blog. I urge everyone to check it out.


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