Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why Am I So Boring?

I have had a conversation about the Central Valley with some friends a few weeks ago and now yesterday with a coworker. The all had bad things to say about the valley. My friends were really down on the valley because of the lake of culture. My coworker is really into music. He is a musician himself and is also a sound engineer for live events. At work he is just a mild manered draftsman. We often give him a hard time about his rock star lifestyle.

So yesterday he was complaining about the lack of a music scene in the valley. I agreed with him and gave my view that the valley is just more of a house party type of place. He agreed, but continued to talk about the great venues that exist. He said that he cannot understand why the music scene is not much bigger considering the venues.

We agreed that the Central Valley is just a big cultural vacuum. The Fresno Metropolitan Museam closed last year which left a big cultural void in the valley. I told him that there is just nothing exciting to draw people to most towns in the valley, including Fresno. He commented that they valley is just a place where people go to work, come home and spend time with family. I told him that is not a bad thing and he agreed. He just wished that people would support the local music scene.

I agree with him. I think the biggest knock about the valley in general is that there really is not much culture. Everything is focused on agriculture. It really tells you something about the area when the "Farm Show" is the most attended event in the valley and the biggest draw every year. And it is not even located in one of the two largest towns in the valley.

As I think about it, I really do lead a boring life as compared to people in large cities. I like the pace of my life and I really like being there for my children, but I could use some excitement in my life.


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