Friday, August 14, 2009

I Hate Politics

I am so tired of all of this health care reform politics...and yet I continue to watch the coverage every chance I get. Go figure.

What I am tired of is all of the made up facts, intimidation and fear that are being spread by both parties. When will we get to the point that politicians won't use fear as a tactic? Can we ever get there? All these political shenanigans brings to mind a quote by a famous American, "Why can't we all just get along?" Maybe you don't remember who cried out those famous words. It was none other than Rodney King.

I personally don't want my health care system reformed. I like that I can choose my own doctor and usually get an appointment in a reasonable amount of time. What I do want reformed, or regulated, is the health care insurance industry. I don't like the fact that every year our health insurance premiums go up. It seems like very year either my copay increases or fewer items are covered. Why do health care expenses go up even in a bad economy? I can't give you a reason, but I know it must change.

As far as the uninsured go, give them a system which allows them to get health care from specified providers. Just don't crowd the doctors that paying Americans use. Some may say that this is discrimination, but I disagree. If I am paying for my medical care out of my own pocket, I should be able to choose my doctor. If someone is on the government system, they get to go to the doctors that are chosen for them. Its as easy as that.


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