Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Republicans Oppose Health Care Reform but Support Petcare Tax Deduction

I can understand why Republicans may oppose Obama's Health Care Plan. They are conservative and fear government involvement in their daily lives. They don't want the government to ruin their current medical care system, because the government does ruin a lot of what they touch.

I am scratching my head over a bill that was introduced to the U.S. House by Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, R-Mich. The bill is a tax deduction for "Qualified pet expenses." Now this is something that I can get behind, especially since I don't own a pet. Why use government funds for human health care when we can just use if for our pets. The goal of the bill is to "Make it more affordable for people to provide the care their pets need and to make it less likely that pet owners who are suffering during the recession will abandon their pets." Noble goals, but is this really necessary? Why don't we just fund the cost to spay or neuter our pets?

You can read an article about the bill here. Why are Republican politicians bad? This is one of my favorite quotes from the article, "How about this idea? If you can't afford the real cost of pet ownership, don't get one."


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