Friday, July 17, 2009

100 Questions (26-75)

26. Why do people lie?
27. Why do people cheat on their spouse?
28. If you know you shouldn't do something, why do you do it?
29. When will we start commuting by flight?
30. What does the future hold?
31. Why do we not institute a maximum age for politicians?
32. Why do we let politics continue as is in this country?
33. Why can't the republican politicians learn from their mistakes?
34. Why do politicians continue to attack rather than figure out a way to work together?
35. Why can't we all just get along?
36. How long will I live?
37. What will my kids end up becoming?
38. Will I always be happy with my life?
39. Will I totally change my career in the not so distant future?
40. Will I start my own successful business in the future?
41. Will I live well when I retire?
42. When will I travel to Europe for the first time?
53. How did Einstein become Einstein?
54. Was Abraham Lincoln the greatest President?
55. In this day and age, is war really a necessity?
56. Why does the US want to be the police for the world?
57. Why can't taxes be fixed and the government figure out how to stay within budget?
58. Why does education spending get cut so easily when we project a budget deficit?
59. Why do we continue to fail the youth of the United States?
60. Why do we allow large companies that received bail out money to pay large bonuses, any bonuses, to employees?
61. Why do we spend so much money on incarceration?
62. Why do people without educations have opportunities to make a great salary?
63. Do we need the number of police officers we have?
64. Can we fight crime in other ways?
65. Why can't we remove fossil fuels from our economy?
66. Why is it so hard for some people to believe in evolution when we have so many facts?
67. Can you be educated and religious?
68. Why are we on this planet?
69. Why can't people control their emotions?
70. Can you really control your moods?
71. Why does everyone feel like they need to have kids?
72. Why do parents continue to spoil their kids?
73. When did wants become needs?
74. Why is marijuana illegal and cigarettes and alcohol legal?
75. Is this the best time to be alive?

75 down, the last 25 to come.


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